Loving Someone with a Chronic Illness

Supporters Need Care Too

Discover the vital role of self-care and support for caregivers or anyone supporting a loved one that’s battling chronic illness. As a supporter, it's easy to prioritize the needs of others over our own, but acknowledging and addressing our own emotions and needs is essential for overall well-being. Join our nurturing support group to find solace, share experiences, and prioritize self-care in your caregiving journey.

  • No matter one’s age or gender, human minds and bodies are delicate and in constant need of nurturing. Some may need a little more nurturing than others. If you have a friend or family member in your life who has a chronic illness, you probably experience this reality on a daily basis. Knowing someone you love is battling a chronic illness can be frightening and confusing. The unknowns that occur with a loved one diagnosed with a chronic illness often create emotional difficulties such as feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and grieving.

    Whether you are your loved one’s primary caregiver or not, you play a critical role by loving and supporting this person. As a caregiver and loved one, it is natural to put all of your energy into the person in need, but amidst it all, we too often “forget” to care for ourselves. Whether the illness or health condition is new or has been a part of your relationship from the beginning, it is important to know your thoughts and feelings (yes, even frustrations) are valid. Remembering that you are an individual with your own needs, hopes, dreams, and hurts (beyond your role as caregiver) is vital for your personal health and well-being. This comes with challenges, but having a support system and opportunities to share can be a lifesaver.

    Consider the brief but important message before you take off on a flight: “Put your mask on before helping your loved ones.” Is your mask on?

    This Study will be facilitated by Chloe Raleigh.

    You can read about Chloe here: https://www.peacerestored.net/chloe-raleigh

  • WHEN: Begins Wednesday, February 28th at 6:30pm.

    This will be an on-going monthly support group.

    The support group will meet the 4th Wednesday of each month EXCEPT November and December.

    In November, the support group will meet on November 20th and on December 18th.

    WHERE: Peace Restored, 480 St Clair St. Mooresville, IN 46158

  • The fee for this support group is $15/month.

    *** Please note class and group fees are not refundable. Fees paid without attending will be used to continue serving women as they find hope and healing from life's difficult places. ***

    *When you register you will be required to place a card on file as part of Peace Restored policy.

    The card will be charged on the first Wednesday of each month.

Register for the Loving Someone with Chronic Illness Support Group

Whether the illness or health condition is new or has been a part of your relationship from the beginning, it is important to know your thoughts and feelings (yes, even frustrations) are valid. Remembering that you are an individual with your own needs, hopes, dreams, and hurts (beyond your role as caregiver) is vital for your personal health and well-being. This comes with challenges, but having a support system and opportunities to share can be a lifesaver.