My Rock

“My salvation and my honor depend on God; for He is my mighty rock, my refuge.”Psalm 62:7

I spend much of my time within my new work area at a big hospital in Indianapolis. I call my new work area, my “penthouse suite.” Four big windows overlook the parking lot and cancer center. In front of the cancer center is a pond with a fountain in the middle. From three floors up, I watch the geese and ducks enjoy their water oasis. I watch them swim. Most days, when it’s beautiful and sunny, I envy them. Today, I envisioned their little webbed feet working hard to keep their bodies afloat. On the surface they look calm, peaceful gliding through the shimmering ripples, but under the surface, we do not see the struggle of their legs and feet working to keep them floating.

Are you like the ducks?

On the surface, you put on a face of being calm, peaceful, and joyful; but below the water line you are struggling and giving life all you have. Are you hoping that one day your legs will catch up with your head?

After your husband died did you have the sensation of drowning in life? Physically? Emotionally? And spiritually? Yeah me too!!!After Kirk died, I felt the pounding of the grief waves, the hurricane force winds, and the water rising over my head. I had to find solid footing before the ocean of grief covered me and dragged me out to the vast nothingness of despair and anxiety. I had so many family and friends that were throwing me life jackets and trying to direct me back. I reached for them and they were able to help me maintain a float. But I knew there is only one Savior, one person that could sit me on that rock. His name is Jesus and He not only stood me on that rock…He is the Rock.

Psalm 71:3 “Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go; give the command to save me, for You are my rock and my fortress.”

In Matthew 7:25-27 it says, “The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words and do not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.

Jesus gave us this parable to show how when you put your faith and trust in Him and trouble enters your life, you are already set on a firm foundation. Now your house will rock, it will creak, and it will sway, but it will not crash; it will still be standing on that Rock, on Him.Is your foundation on that glorious Rock? That Rock does not move and it WON’T be moved. It’s up to us to stand on that Rock. Will you stand on The Rock?

A Prayer for You

Lord, I pray that every single one of us stand on that Rock, the One that You provided for us.I pray that we are able to withstand the gusts of this life because You are our Foundation.Thank you Lord for Your sacrifice so that we have that foundation to stand upon.That Rock will never move or be shaken!In Your Precious name I prayAmen.

Comfort from the Psalms

“He will call out to me,You are my Father, my God, the Rock my Savior.”Psalm 89:26


Written by Angela Key


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